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Lawyer Television Commercials - Some Friendly Reminders

Viral videos are one of the hallmarks of the modern Internet. A disproportionate number of these are of people doing aggressively stupid things: not just individuals with poor common sense, but also companies who try to put their best foot forward only to jam it firmly into their mouth. Disastrous advertisements quickly get companies recognized, not as purveyors of some useful product or service, but as perpetrators of an unprovoked assault on common sense and good taste.

Lawyers and law firms are no exception to this. There are plenty of laughingstocks in the field of lawyer television commercials: a quick Internet search will turn up the worst of the worst that video vigilantes have highlighted for public ridicule. These commercials reflect badly on the entire legal profession, and it’s unlikely they’ll ever fully fade from memory. The public has a sharp eye for bad commercials, and if you fall for common traps like trying to be “witty” or “edgy” when your audience just wants someone they can trust with their legal issues, you’re likely to end up the next Internet sensation in the worst way possible.

So if you want to advertise your law firm without ending up as another lawyer joke making the rounds, learn from the mistakes of others and follow these helpful hints:

• Abide by the legal advertising rules. Lawyer advertising rules vary from state to state, so make sure in advance that your TV commercial doesn't violate them. Once you have a script, get it approved by the Bar before you begin production. That way, if there’s anything wrong, you can change it without wasting money on costly re-shoots.
• Avoid cliches. Advertising cliches may work for salesmen, but not for lawyers. Lawyer television commercials that overuse catchphrases like “I will fight for you” or signpost themselves with pounding gavels tend to drive people away. Doing what everyone else does makes you look insincere, and no one trusts a shady lawyer.
• Keep visual effects to a minimum. Lawyer television commercials shouldn't try look like summer blockbusters. Catching the viewer’s attention is the whole point in advertising, but lawyer television commercials should do so with information instead of fancy pyrotechnics.
• Be the star of your own advertisement. Celebrity advertising works when you’re trying to sell clothing or cosmetics; not so much for legal services. No matter how famous a face you have endorsing your firm, people are more likely to trust you if they can see yours.
• Make yourself seem approachable. First impressions are important, especially with lawyer television commercials. Charm, but don’t cajole: you need to establish a rapport with your potential clients, not intimidate them.
• Hire advertising experts. You’re a lawyer, not a marketing professional – you need to put your advertising in the hands of people who actually know how advertising works. There are advertising agencies out there that specialize in lawyer television commercials. Be sure to choose one that has a good reputation. Ask to see samples of the commercials they have produced and aired, and ask their other clients how satisfied they are with their work.


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