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Showing posts with the label remnant ads

Remnant Ads, What You Should Know First

The emergence of Internet advertising has opened many doors for businesses. Many companies are flocking to Internet marketing, freeing up space in other media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, thus bringing forth new opportunities for budget-conscious businesses to advertise through remnant ads. Remnant ads are unsold advertising space on the verge of expiring. Every inch of print or second of airtime is a valuable – and perishable – commodity: if it expires, that potential revenue is gone for good, and so publishers and stations alike will try to sell this remnant ad space at a steep discount in order to turn a profit – any amount profit – off of it. It’s a win-win situation: publishers and stations capitalize on their unsold ad space, and advertisers get to promote their business at a fraction of the usual cost. But before you dive headfirst into remnant advertising,there are some things you should know to make sure that you actually get the best deal o