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How Legal TV Commercials Can Boost A Lawyers Success?

Even though it remains a subject of controversy, TV advertising can definitely boost a lawyer’s success. Though Internet advertising is one of the most popular marketing strategies today, to the point that some people claim TV advertising is no longer relevant, the Internet simply doesn't have the same reach as television. Internet marketing only works for lawyers and law firms whose potential clients are frequent Internet users who would think to look online for legal information. Television remains the primary source of news and entertainment for over 90% of US households, and with the high demand for legal assistance for issues such as personal injury, divorce, debt collection, and bankruptcy, legal TV commercials serve as the main way for lawyers to keep the public informed about their services.

The legal market is also fiercely competitive: every year, thousands of new lawyers graduate from law schools throughout the US, and they’re all after the same limited pool of clients. This is another reason for lawyers to invest in legal TV commercials: with an estimated 75% of law firms taking advantage of advertising, TV is the best way to get noticed and attract prospective clients.

Shenderovich & Shenderovich, a personal injury firm in Pittsburgh, is a good example of how legal TV commercials can work for businesses: since they first started running TV commercials six years ago, their practice has grown by approximately 500%.Clients saw their TV commercials, learned about their services and how they could help, and started calling in. But not all law firms find success with legal TV commercials.Some have even had to close their doors after running a disastrous ad campaign. It’s not enough just to have a TV ad: you need one that’s both appropriate and appealing to your audience.

Selling legal services isn't like selling fast food or used cars. A catchy jingle or clever skit might move burgers, but people won’t put their legal issues your hands if they don’t think you’ll take your job as their legal representative seriously. Instead, stick to the facts: tell your potential clients what your legal specializations are, such as employment or immigration issues, and what you can do to help them. Charm but don’t cajole; be honest and sincere, and never misrepresent your services. Lying to your audience isn't just bad advertising – it can get you in legal trouble.

In short, TV advertising offers lawyers an opportunity to increase their client base – but only if they handle things properly. If you’re not sure how to proceed from here, be sure to hire an advertising agency that specializes in legal marketing – they can guide you in the right direction.


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