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Showing posts with the label Probate Process

Avoiding Family Disputes During the Probate Process

Unfortunately, inheriting property and the probate process itself sometimes brings out the worst in people. While many people handle the process smoothly and follow their loved one's instructions and best as possible and make agreements on the rest, death can stir up long dormant problems and bring up both jealousy and resentment. In fact, this is why many families end up turning to a probate attorney in Miami. Because surprise is most likely to bring out bad feelings, the best way to avoid family disputes is ensuring the entire family knows the broad outline of how you plan to leave your property and help them understand your choices. This way, they at least have time to get used to the idea and raise any concerns. This also makes it more likely they will respect these decisions and not try to undermine them through a lawsuit or in some informal manner. Unequal division of assets among offspring is the major cause of conflicts. Most parents choose to leae property and a