Drunk driving is actually a broad term that refers to specific charges such as Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or even Driving Under the Influence with Marijuana. If you have been charged with operating a vehicle under the influence, it's time to think about hiring a skilled defense attorney. It's important to keep in mind that some Fort Lauderdale defense lawyers will tell you a defense lawyer is required in absolutely all drunk driving charges, but this may not be true. Whether you need to hire a defense lawyer will depend on many things. Are You Going to Plead Guilty? If you plan to plead guilty, you do not need to hire a defense lawyer . You will also not need a lawyer if it is your first offense, no one was hurt and you have a very high chance of being convicted, as there is nothing they can do here. There are two main situations in which you will likely end up pleading guilty: irrefutable evidence you were intoxicated...
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